Get Involved
If you would like to join us, please feel free to get in touch so that we can explore ways in which we could work together. We would love to hear from you!
Internships I इंटर्नशिप
Students who are doing their graduation or post-graduation in the field of psychology, psychiatric social work, sociology. And from any other field who is interested in the area of Mental Health can take part in the various activities of the Eklavya foundation.
सायकॉलॉजी, सायकायट्रिक सोशल वर्क, सोशॉलॉजी या विषयांमध्ये तसेच अन्य विषयांमध्ये पदवी स्तरावरील व पदवीउत्तर स्तरावरील विद्यार्थी एकलव्य फाउंडेशनच्या विविध उपक्रमांमध्ये भाग घेऊ शकतात.
Volunteering I स्वयंसेवक
Eklavya Foundation is a voluntary organization. The prevalence of Mental illness is significant moreover having good Mental Health is important for all of us. Hence, we cannot depend only on professionals. Volunteers are of great help to family members and the person with mental illness to regain hope, confidence, and encouragement through interaction and support. The time you invest can be used to expand the objectives of the organization. Eklavya’s various activities require skills like communication, writing, translation, editing, and many other technical skills. one can contribute his/her time according to his interest/ skills. Anyone who wants to contribute and has time and skills is welcome. You will receive additional training and then you can join us as a volunteer.
एकलव्य ही एक स्वयंसेवी संस्था आहे. मानसिक आजाराची प्रमाण आणि व्याप्ती मोठी आहे . तसेच चांगले मानसिक आरोग्य हे सर्वांसाठीच आवश्यक आहे. म्हणूनच फक्त मानसिक आरोग्य तज्ञांवर अवलंबून राहून चालणार नाही तर त्यात समाजाचा भाग असणे गरजेचे आहे. स्वयंसेवकाच्या सततच्या संपर्कामुळे व प्रोत्साहनामुळे पीडित व्यक्तींना आधार मिळतो. तसेच संस्थेच्या उद्दिष्टांचा विस्तार करण्यास आपल्या वेळेचा उपयोग होईल. एकलव्यच्या विविध उपक्रमात संवाद कौशल्ये, लिखाण, भाषांतर आणि संपादन कौशल्ये, तसेच इतर अनेक तांत्रिक कौशल्यांची आवश्यकता असते. या कार्यात जर आपल्याला सहभागी व्हायचे असेल आणि आपल्याकडे वेळ व कौशल्य असेल तर तुम्ही आमच्याकडे प्रशिक्षण घेऊन स्वयंसेवक म्हणून आमच्या बरोबर काम करू शकता.
Donations I देणगी
Eklavya Foundation for Mental Health is working on a comprehensive plan of activity and funding to be undertaken in the next five years. The organization is registered under 80G. The Foundation assures complete transparency and an ethical approach toward the use of any funds donated by individuals or organizations. We look forward to your kind cooperation and continued support to a greater cause that will help to bring a large number of the population suffering from mental illness towards the mainstream.